
Create Home for Oct - Nov

Create Home for Oct - Nov

Many times I walk into a space and I can feel all my muscle start relaxing, facial expression soften and mood feeling lifted. I ponder upon it and short listed the few important factors that contribute to this sensation...

  1. The simple, clean & uncluttered decor
  2. The white or pale neutral color palette
  3. Good natural lights (sometime filter, to create an almost dreamy glow indoor)
  4. Living green plants/ fresh blossoms
  5. Good amount of fresh, chill air flowing

A space lifted with lights and air giving a feeling of breathable, expendable and alive. It doesn't make you feel sleepy, thanks to the light ;). Instead, it makes one productive, positive and even creative. It was the perfect environment to start a day, to complete a proposal, to write a poem or to even read a book.

So, let's not shy away from the natural light, but allow it to flow in the space that you work to create your own productive sanctuary.

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