Title: Seize [机遇]
Inspiration: Rom 12:2
Media: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 594 x840 x20mm
Status: For Sale (Contact for Viewing)
Many times, an opportunity can appear like an unpredictable cloud of forage fish, moving in great numbers with strong forces which is  too scary for one to step forward. Yet, the one who is ready and knows his game, is able to step forward at the right place and right time to seize the opportunity with great courage! As he knows, there is another possibility of being fed with a great feast from its bait ball is surely a great reward! Likewise in life, often such an illusion is aimed to frighten, to confuse, to hypnotise the opportunist. Do we stop or step forward? Illustrated with the whale shark plunged into the school of forage fish in their final defending form. Visually, it is as if the whale shark has been swallowed by the emergence. But the truth is, the shark has its best feast.
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